Your Mind Gives up Before Your Body Does

You have more potential than you realise

Saanvi Thapar
The Shortform


Image by Sven Mieke via Unsplash

I enjoy working out. By the end of it, I am panting, and flop down before the timer chimes. That day, I was determined to cross the time limit.

I thought of things other than my cramping muscles.

It distracted my mind, and I could reach the ten-minute mark. As said,

Your mind gives up before your body does.

This can be applied to other aspects too.

Waking up early is hard. Yet, once you are up, nothing can stop you. The first five minutes are the hardest for your mind; if you keep your body moving, you succeed.

You have more potential than you know.

When I am stuck in a mathematics question, instead of seeing the answer, I return to it after some time and give it a shot again. Several times, I can decode it this way.

Push yourself, and see how far you go!



Saanvi Thapar
The Shortform

Student, writer & reader. Sharing insightful ideas and tips to help you become a better author, thinker, and human. Newsletter: